Superhuman Project – Day 19

Superhuman Freediving CNF

Day 19 of my “Superhuman Project(#SHP), Saturday 24th Oct 2015:

  • Not as tired this morning. So pretty good start to the day.
  • Had eggs for breakfast, cleaned the house then hit the pool immediately.
  • I have to say I really immersed in this binge day as much as I could (as you will see below by what I had to eat). I feel satisfied but definitely a little sick with all the carbs and sugar.

Tim Ferriss's 4 Hour Body book lesson/s of the day:

  • Do I really have to binge once a week? Answer: It's important to spike caloric intake once per week. This causes a host of hormonal changes that improve fat loss. Everyone binges eventually on a diet so it's better to schedule it ahead of time and limit the damage. The psychological benefits outweigh even the hormonal and metabolic benefits.

3 F's – Fun, Flow and Flexibility: 

  • Today was binge day number 2 since I began this superhuman project. This time I feel as if I'm looking forward to binge eating.

Here's the progress for day 19 of my superhuman project.

Measurements Recorded (on 20th Oct 2015)

*Note: I've decided to take measurements once per week, so the next set of measurements will be on the 27th.

Body weight – 77.3 kg (just an additional measurement because I had an initial goal of dropping to 75kg).

Biceps (Left / Right) – 12.7 in / 13.0 in

Waist – 35.4 in

Hips – 38.0 in

Thighs (Left / Right) – 21.3 in / 21.3 in

Total Inches – 141.7 inches


  • Both biceps increased in size a little bit.
  • Waist is almost the same still.
  • Hips reduced a bit.
  • Thighs also reduced a bit.
  • Looking good!

Superhuman Diet


4 eggs -half-boiled with little soy sauce and pepper..

1 glass of water + apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) + psyllium husk.


Pasta with prawns (large portion).

Beetroot + mint + apple juice.


1/2 portion fried calamari.

Buffalo wings 6 pieces.


Morning snack – 2 bananas.

Night snack – banana chocolate truffle.

*Total protein – not tracked for this binge day.

Superhuman Workout

No workout today.

Hatha yoga – None

Freediving training:

  • (FIM) Free immersion warm up sets: – 1st set slow, 24m in 1:40. 2nd set slow 24m in 2:05. 3rd set slow, 36m in 2:15. Felt really good. These warm up sets were all done with half-filled lungs. My mammalian reflex seems to be triggering faster nowadays.
  • (DYN) Dynamic with fins (full lungs): 3 sets of 50m, each set took about 0:53 (53 seconds) and felt pretty comfortable. Had a lot more gas in the tank it felt like.
  • (DNF) Dynamic no fins (full lungs): 2 sets of 50m, each took about 1:03 (1m 3s). These sets felt harder than the DYN sets. Took more time to recover too once I surfaced.