Superhuman Project – Day 6

Superhuman Superman

Day 6 of my “Superhuman Project(#SHP), Sunday, 11th Oct 2015: – No maid today to look after kids so need to be creative of when to get my workout done.

Tim Ferriss's 4 Hour Body book lesson/s of the day:

  • The two most effective ab exercises needed and all you ever wanna do really, are the “Myotatic crunch” and (what Tim calls) “The cat vomit exercise”.

The 3 F's – Fun, Flow and Flexibility helped make the time for a workout, and also to enjoy pool time with the kids while squeezing in a few sets of freediving training here and there. So great to see how my 2 year old boy can already hold his breath about 20 to 30 seconds as we dive to pick up stones from the pool floor.

Here's the progress for day 6 of my superhuman project.

Measurements Recorded (on 6th Oct 2015)

Biceps (Left / Right) – 12 in / 12.2 in

Waist – 35.2 in

Hips – 38.4 in

Thighs (Left / Right) – 20.5 in / 20.5 in

Total Inches – 138.8 inches

*Note: These measurement were done by myself which was kind of tricky is some parts like the biceps, so may not be totally exact.

Superhuman Diet


4 eggs -half-boiled with little soy sauce and pepper.

2 slices of toast – white bread.

1 glass of water + apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp) + psyllium husk.

1 glass of water + spirulina powder (1 tsp).


1 portion of beef stir fry.

1 portion of home fried potatoes.

1 portion of avocado corn salad.

1/2 fillet of breaded fried chicken.


2 portions of beef stir fry.

2 portions of avocado corn salad.


Mid morning – 1/2 cup homemade plain yogurt.

Mid afternoon – 1 cup papaya + 1/2 cup mangoes.

Superhuman Workout

Warm up jog (treadmill) – 9 km/hr or 6:40 min/km pace.

Push-ups – 3 sets x 25 reps, horizontal, body weight, narrow grip.

Lat pull downs – 3 sets x 10 reps, 11 slabs of weight (not sure what each weighs), wide grip.

Leg extensions – 2 sets x 10 reps, 8 slabs of weight.

Dips – 2 sets x 10 reps, bodyweight.

Lunges – 2 sets x 12 reps, bodyweight.

Close grip supinated (palms facing me) pull downs – 2 sets x 10 reps, 11 slabs of weight.

Abdominal leg raises (modified) – 2 sets x 20 reps.

Side (double) leg raises – 1 set each side x 20 reps then hold for 20 secs.

*Note: With the exception of the warm up treadmill jog and the ab leg raises, all other exercises were done circuit style, meaning I was switching from one exercise type to the next, in the order listed above. Timing of 1 minute per set/exercise was used. By completing the required reps well before the minute was up, the remainder of the minute was used as rest. On average, I had about 30 seconds rest before I began the next set/exercise.

Hatha yoga – No yoga today.

